Monday, July 18, 2011

Catching Pennies

Write about the experiences
You had
And the love you have come to want
The bricks and mortar
That build your words
When you end it
And Again
And again.
Like a some sorry cliche
Gum stuck to your shoe
Be rid of it
Be gone
You're a broken story
That spins it's wheels
A record on repeat
You can skip a heart
You can skip your heart beat
To know what you want
In the slightest
Jumping out of a cake
With a smile on your face.
You will not be reborn.
Just something solemn
Buried there where I told you a secret
A valuable memory
And you buried it there
Because it meant nothing.
It all seemed so quiet and calm.
Now it's just dark.
At the bottom of this well.
I'm catching pennies now.

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