Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Holding Time

Were you there in the woods
Rolling your ankle over rotten crab apples
Can you hear the water break
And the branches fall.
Were you watching as I slipped
my foot from rock to rock
And as a snake eased by,
The mouse walked away.
Getting bitten, being mauled
Laughing very softly
As to not tremble
Each moment to the next.
Holding time.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Finger Print Pop

You think about it
Yes you do
A one two three
A one two two
And faded are the finger prints
you left on my window
the day you tapped in
the day you felt single
alone like ice
melting in a stew
so pointless, and meaningless
yet there's still something to do
so chew and churn
and bubble then pop
wipe the rain off your fingers
their the dusk from your top
are you faded to the point
that your fingers hold no print
that you can't remember
just where you left them.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Take the wrong turn

Life is easier unthought.
I tramped up the stairs flew myself into bed
I thought, I can't sleep
I could catch a plane.
I could be somewhere, sometime,
somehow along the well.
The best life lived is the one unplanned
the one that doesn't make sense, that feels like
sand in your shoes.

My face is in the ocean
there are dogs in a distance
you hear the ocean chorusing
what will happen.
it feels apart of life
as much as I could feel apart of anything
there in the sand, with the dogs, and it's ocean
opening wide to swallow us whole
to take us away, shed our skin and live again
on the account of reality
we faulter
we create our own dreams
we live our own adventures
not one wrong turn, not one foresight
will lead to where we need to be
it's the adventure, the parel
like catching a butterfly in a migration of them
it's happened. in a milk container
on a field when i was 6
they passed through us children all laughing butterflies
swirling past orange and black just to tease us
of a world we might never know.
take the wrong turn